Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15: Size Doesn't Matter

Whoever said it does?

The courteous behavior shown by the driver from Honda Service Center who came to pick my car, his diligence to explain minute details of the servicing, his proactive call to inform possible areas that need modification after driving my car, all adds up to confirm that 'size' doesn't matter.

You may wonder why I say so!

A mere driver of a service center, what difference can he ever make? Isn't he supposed to be poor, helpless, less educated, etc. etc? But when I see such a person, neatly dressed, well mannered, polite and empathetic to my needs, I am forced to wonder what changed in a corporate world? Highly educated people with a 'couldn't-care-less' attitude and miles away from basic decencies!

Now you are forced to think, right! Does size really matter?

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